Monday 10 March 2014

Value of Vote: Eye opening facts of AP in 2009 Elections

Eye opening facts! Must read:

Facts from 2009 Election:

21 MLA’s won the election with less than 1000 vote’s majority

24 MLA’s won the election with less than 2000 vote’s majority

22 MLA’s won the election with less than 3000 vote’s majority

27 MLA’s won the election with less than 5000 vote’s majority

94 MLAS with less than 5000 votes

77 MLA’s won the election with less than 10000 vote’s majority

86 MLA’s won the election with less than 20000 vote’s majority

37 MLA’s won the election with less than 20000+ vote’s majority

This indicates that there are 94 MLA’s who won the election with less than 5000 votes. In MLA election less than 5000 votes is not a big win, 5% people can influence these 94 MLA’s election result that means 5% of the people can decide which party should come in to power.

In AP we have more than 20% educated voters who are not really participating in voting, so if all educated voters utilize their vote they can change the government, this means only educated people can dictate the election results.

There are too many parties in 2014 election , so the margins between the winners and looser will be very minimal and as per the political analysts there will be at least 70-80 MLAS in 2014 election with less than 1000 Votes, so every vote is valuable.

Friends! we need to understand one thing; nobody will change our fate we have to change our fate

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